Save Your Links

Navigating The Storage Functions

Move Links & Folders

To move a link/folder from one folder to another, place a checkmark in the box on the left hand side of the link/folder to be moved and select the folder the link/folder should be moved into and click the Move to button.

The link/folder will be moved to the folder selected.

Note: A folder cannot be copied into itself.

If you attempt to do so, you will be notified that the action was canceled and that you were trying to copy a folder into itself. When you move a folder all of the links within the folder are moved as well.

Folders and links can now also be moved across your accounts.

In the “Select Folder” drop-down box, you will see the current account folders listed first. After that, you will see the folders for other accounts in the following format: ACCOUNT NAME\Folder Name. Just select the folder you want as you would normally.

Edit Links & Folders

To edit the name of your link or the URL associated with the name, simply click on the Edit/Rename link on the right side of the link and make any changes needed and click Save.

An example of a change needed would be if link became invalid, or changed. You may use this feature to change this URL.

Delete Links & Folders

To delete a link, select the link or links to be deleted by clicking on the box or boxes directly to the left of the link(s) and click the delete button.

The link(s) will be permanently deleted.

To delete a folder, select the folder or folders to be deleted by clicking on the box or boxes directly to the left of them and click the delete button. The folder(s) AND any links contained therein will be deleted.

Note: You can delete folder(s) and link(s) at the same time, select the link(s) and folder(s) to be deleted by clicking on the box(es) directly to the left of them and click the delete button.

The link(s) and folder(s) will be permanently deleted.

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